Friday, 28th of oct. till Sunday, 30th of oct. 2005

Once again we are pleased invite you to the legendary, SQUASH- TEAM - TOURNAMENT traditionally played on the last weekend in October.

As in previous years the B-Runde will be separated into B1 and B2 sections. The new "Point-A-Rally-Scoring"System used last year will again be used (first to 11 due to Bundesligaordnung). B 2 and C-Runde will use the traditional scoring system. Please see the tournament classification on the back of the entry form.

The tournament begins on Friday, 28. October 2005 at 18:00! The tournament organisers will decide which teams will start on Friday and which on Saturday. Start day preference will be given only to out of town teams who indicate their requirement on the entry form. 50 Percent of the teams will start the tournament on Friday. We hope to have all the games completed before the party begins on Saturday evening and on Sunday at 17:00 the awards ceremony will take place.

In 2004 more than 300 participated in our 24th Tournament. Early registration is strongly advised. Registrations after the closing date will be placed on the waiting list and may not be successful.

All registrations must either be sent by Post, Fax or Email. Each team must be made up of (1) Female (3) Males. Individual registrations (especially Females) are welcome. The tournament organisers will create teams from these individual applications.   


 Voor meer informatie (in zowel Duits als Engels) kijk op http://www.dhsrc.de

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